2012 Survival Guide

2012 Survival Guide

Are you wondering what all the apprehension over 2012 is about? Find out from Researcher Crystal Abrahams:
“Do I, personally, believe the world will end in 2012? The arguments are compelling, but no, I don’t. What I do predict is that our weather will get progressively worse, with Superstorms involving blizzards, flooding, high winds and extremes of temperature. I predict these storms will cause national food shortages due to crop failures.
“Experts agree that 2012 will be a cosmically significant year. NASA predicts ‘the 24th sunspot cycle is going to be the most intense in recorded history, 30%-50% stronger than we’ve ever seen.’ This 24th Solar Maximum has already begun. Unfortunately, our magnetic field is also at its weakest point in our orbit, itself a regular cyclical event.
“You need this book NOW for several reasons. Sources are predicting events this year that may cause power outages, economic meltdown and extreme civic unrest. One Mayan Calendar interpretation is that a series of global events will begin now and culminate on December 21st, 2012.
“Several cyclical events will occur in 2012 that by themselves might not be catastrophic. The Sun will be lining up with the black hole in the galactic center of the plane of the Milky Way, which only occurs every 26,000 years. During the last Milky Way solar alignment, paleontologists and archaeologists know that many species of plants and animals became extinct. In addition, Earth will be passing from below the galactic plane to above it.
“The weakness in our magnetic shield means the pull of the Sun is stronger, so experts predict more and worse earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes and tsunamis. Volcanoes are more active than in recorded history. The concern is over the domino effect of all of these solar, seismic and cyclical events, converging in the same year.
“In this 2012 Survival Guide, I have tried to envision every set of circumstances we may all find it necessary to deal with. There are chapters with advice as to financial preparations, equipment you’ll need, skills you should plan to acquire, medical supplies, and many other items that may not have occurred to us as individuals, corporations or as a nation.
“Sunspot activity disrupts radio and satellite transmissions, so you will find Family Planning visualization exercises, complete with charts and Scenarios, for when communication is not possible.
“Large groups are making plans. Among them the U.S. Government. Underground bunkers are being built to house the rich and brilliant. Evidently their feeling is, it’s better to be safe than sorry.
“No one can predict exactly what we might ultimately be dealing with, although experts agree that it will be one or many serious seismic events. Accordingly, this book covers every potential eventuality, including:
 Earth’s temperatures dropping to almost Ice Age levels.
 Our temperature increasing dramatically, past unprepared survival levels.
 Events that, whatever their nature, cause huge power outages and communications breakdowns.
“The survival tips are a compilation of more than fifty sources. This is the most comprehensive Preparedness Guide you’ll need. Determine for yourself which threats are potentially serious, ready yourself for them, and survive. If you have a plan, are able to evacuate if necessary without incident and begin the new age comfortably, you will be congratulating yourself on your good sense.
“If you didn’t have a plan and your life became a series of miserable challenges for the next several years until you got back on your feet, you’d be kicking yourself.
You do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute to skydive twice. If extreme conditions suddenly prevail and you find you’re without a parachute at all, you’ll be beyond annoyed.
“Why take the chance? Will you be ready?”
Are you wondering what all the apprehension over 2012 is about? Find out from Researcher Crystal Abrahams:
“Do I, personally, believe the world will end in 2012? The arguments are compelling, but no, I don’t. What I do predict is that our weather will get progressively worse, with Superstorms involving blizzards, flooding, high winds and extremes of temperature. I predict these storms will cause national food shortages due to crop failures.
“Experts agree that 2012 will be a cosmically significant year. NASA predicts ‘the 24th sunspot cycle is going to be the most intense in recorded history, 30%-50% stronger than we’ve ever seen.’ This 24th Solar Maximum has already begun. Unfortunately, our magnetic field is also at its weakest point in our orbit, itself a regular cyclical event.
“You need this book NOW for several reasons. Sources are predicting events this year that may cause power outages, economic meltdown and extreme civic unrest. One Mayan Calendar interpretation is that a series of global events will begin now and culminate on December 21st, 2012.
“Several cyclical events will occur in 2012 that by themselves might not be catastrophic. The Sun will be lining up with the black hole in the galactic center of the plane of the Milky Way, which only occurs every 26,000 years. During the last Milky Way solar alignment, paleontologists and archaeologists know that many species of plants and animals became extinct. In addition, Earth will be passing from below the galactic plane to above it.
“The weakness in our magnetic shield means the pull of the Sun is stronger, so experts predict more and worse earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes and tsunamis. Volcanoes are more active than in recorded history. The concern is over the domino effect of all of these solar, seismic and cyclical events, converging in the same year.
“In this 2012 Survival Guide, I have tried to envision every set of circumstances we may all find it necessary to deal with. There are chapters with advice as to financial preparations, equipment you’ll need, skills you should plan to acquire, medical supplies, and many other items that may not have occurred to us as individuals, corporations or as a nation.
“Sunspot activity disrupts radio and satellite transmissions, so you will find Family Planning visualization exercises, complete with charts and Scenarios, for when communication is not possible.
“Large groups are making plans. Among them the U.S. Government. Underground bunkers are being built to house the rich and brilliant. Evidently their feeling is, it’s better to be safe than sorry.
“No one can predict exactly what we might ultimately be dealing with, although experts agree that it will be one or many serious seismic events. Accordingly, this book covers every potential eventuality, including:
 Earth’s temperatures dropping to almost Ice Age levels.
 Our temperature increasing dramatically, past unprepared survival levels.
 Events that, whatever their nature, cause huge power outages and communications breakdowns.
“The survival tips are a compilation of more than fifty sources. This is the most comprehensive Preparedness Guide you’ll need. Determine for yourself which threats are potentially serious, ready yourself for them, and survive. If you have a plan, are able to evacuate if necessary without incident and begin the new age comfortably, you will be congratulating yourself on your good sense.
“If you didn’t have a plan and your life became a series of miserable challenges for the next several years until you got back on your feet, you’d be kicking yourself.
You do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute to skydive twice. If extreme conditions suddenly prevail and you find you’re without a parachute at all, you’ll be beyond annoyed.
“Why take the chance? Will you be ready?”

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