
Long Term Food Supplies – A Beginners Food Guide to Emergency Drying Out Food and Storage For Disasters, Survival and Mountain House Supplies

Long Term Food Supplies – A Beginners Food Guide to Emergency Drying Out Food and Storage For Disasters, Survival and Mountain House Supplies

Long Term Food Supplies – A Beginners Food Guide to Emergency Drying Out Food and Storage For Disasters, Survival and Mountain House Supplies.

The number 1 reason people die during a disaster is lack of food and water. In this Guide you will be given all the tools you need to survive by drying out foods well in advance. Every year thousands of people die because of the unexpected. Just because one can go to the shop on a Monday, does not mean that it will always be there. Disasters Happen. Many believe the end of the world is coming in 2012. Are you prepared?. You deserve the best, and this Guide is the best Drying out Food Survival Guide you will find online.

Contents Include

Drying Foods
The Best Food Commerical Dehydraters?
Methods of Drying
Drying Times
Conditioning Dried Foods
Storing Dried Foods
Does drying fruit add Calories?
Crockpot Apricot Conserve
Using Dried Foods
Making Fruit Leather
Nutritional Value of Dried Foods
Fruit Drying Procedure
Citrus peel
Dehydrating Veggies
Drying Meats
Meat Drying and Preserving
Selection of Meat for Drying
Beef Carcass cutting, trimming and deboing
Beef Jerky Recipe (Homemade Goodness)Long Term Food Supplies – A Beginners Food Guide to Emergency Drying Out Food and Storage For Disasters, Survival and Mountain House Supplies.

The number 1 reason people die during a disaster is lack of food and water. In this Guide you will be given all the tools you need to survive by drying out foods well in advance. Every year thousands of people die because of the unexpected. Just because one can go to the shop on a Monday, does not mean that it will always be there. Disasters Happen. Many believe the end of the world is coming in 2012. Are you prepared?. You deserve the best, and this Guide is the best Drying out Food Survival Guide you will find online.

Contents Include

Drying Foods
The Best Food Commerical Dehydraters?
Methods of Drying
Drying Times
Conditioning Dried Foods
Storing Dried Foods
Does drying fruit add Calories?
Crockpot Apricot Conserve
Using Dried Foods
Making Fruit Leather
Nutritional Value of Dried Foods
Fruit Drying Procedure
Citrus peel
Dehydrating Veggies
Drying Meats
Meat Drying and Preserving
Selection of Meat for Drying
Beef Carcass cutting, trimming and deboing
Beef Jerky Recipe (Homemade Goodness)

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