The 2012 Survival Guide: The Ultimate Step By Step Plan On How To Survive 2012 And Live To Tell About It Reviews

The 2012 Survival Guide: The Ultimate Step By Step Plan On How To Survive 2012 And Live To Tell About It

Are you ready for December 21, 2012? How will you survive?

The 2012 Survival Guide is a straightforward step by step blueprint that will empower you with knowledge and prepare you for the event with valuable tips, plans and guidelines to ensure your survival including:

What essential & vital items you will need before, during and after the event.

An escape plan tailored for your specific geographical location, applicable to any country in the world.

How to understand the indicators…Swine Flu, raging wars, severe weather, financial crises…

And much more information to help you get prepared now, before it’s too late.

Life is a cycle. Organisms on earth evolve as their environment changes. The strong ones live and the weak ones die. After any cataclysmic event a species’ resolve will be tested. Will you be ready?Are you ready for December 21, 2012? How will you survive?

The 2012 Survival Guide is a straightforward step by step blueprint that will empower you with knowledge and prepare you for the event with valuable tips, plans and guidelines to ensure your survival including:

What essential & vital items you will need before, during and after the event.

An escape plan tailored for your specific geographical location, applicable to any country in the world.

How to understand the indicators…Swine Flu, raging wars, severe weather, financial crises…

And much more information to help you get prepared now, before it’s too late.

Life is a cycle. Organisms on earth evolve as their environment changes. The strong ones live and the weak ones die. After any cataclysmic event a species’ resolve will be tested. Will you be ready?

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The Zombie Survival Guide: How to Live Like a King After the Outbreak

The Zombie Survival Guide: How to Live Like a King After the Outbreak

  • ISBN13: 9781449564872
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BRAND NEW FROM PUBLISHER! 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Tracking provided on most orders. Buy with Confidence! Millions of books sold!

How do YOU plan on surviving the coming Zombie Apocalypse! If you are a wuss, don’t buy this book. Just the act of opening it will cause your puny mind to loose all control of your bowel movements. You will also become so impotent, not even Viagra will be able to help. If you’re weak in the mind and want to read this book I have two suggestions. One, kill yourself. When you get to the pearly gates tell St. Peter to suck it. On your way to hell, be happy knowing that after about fifteen minutes down there, you will be able to read this book. Plus you will really start liking Death Metal for some reason. Two, go to prison. Get raped everyday by the Nation until your heart swells with agony and hatred. Construct a shiv made out of your fingernails and potato salad. And the next time they come for you stab them all in the nuts. You will spend the rest of your life in prison but at least you can read the book. If, however, you ARE strong enough to handle this book – if you’re the kind of guy whose genitals are so tough that you have to put sand in your condoms to feel any sensation, the kind of man that won’t ask a girl out unless her boyfriend is within a two foot radius, the kind of man that goes bear hunting with nunchucks – then YOU, you are ready! This book will not only teach you how to survive the zombie outbreak, but how to do it with STYLE. You will have a horde of zombie slaves! You will live in a palace! You will live like a king! YOU WILL BE WORSHIPED LIKE A GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  • You will receive an amount of 1 teaspoon of live kefir grains. This is a starter amount of kefir grains so that you can grow your own kefir grains. It is easy to make and the benefits could be tremendous.
  • Its general health benefits are touted as a cure for everything, from allergies to cancer (Japanese research supports its cancer-fighting properties) – are so widely accepted that it is served daily in many Russian hospitals.
  • Real kefir is a very healthy, yogurt like, fermented dairy drink which can be made only with live colonies of micro organisms living symbiotically – kefir grains.
  • Weight Loss
  • Kefir has many benefits including better digestion of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, and has been known for thousands of years for its anti-aging and immune enhancing properties. * Kefir is an ancient cultured food rich in amino acids, enzymes, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and B vitamins. Kefir means “feel good” in Turkish, and that’s just how you’ll feel after drinking a glass in the morning! Easy and fun to make at home, it is superior to commercial yogurt. An absolute must after antibiotic use! * Unlike yogurt, kefir can actually colonize the intestinal tract and is simple and fun to make at home.

Real kefir is a very healthy, yogurt like, fermented dairy drink which can be make only with live colonies of micro organisms living symbiotically – kefir grains. The natives of Caucasus Mountain (Russia) drank kefir like water already a couple thousands years ago. This is the only place in the world where the people reach advanced old age in perfect health. According to Dr. Mankiw, who researched kefir all his life, tuberculosis, cancer, stomach ailments etc. are unknown there. Nobody knows when and how the grains came to be, but they believe it was a gift from God. Kefir can be made by adding the grains to any kind of milk. It has more beneficial cultures than other fermented milk products such as yogurt, which can be made with only two kinds of bacteria. Research proved that kefir has more than 20 different bacteria and yeasts. Its microflora is very compatible with the needs of our body, which is said to strengthen our immunity, aid digestive system and even fight cancer. Kefir tastes slightly sour but also has a tingly quality because, unlike yogurt, it is naturally carbonated by its yeasts. We will send you enough organic live kefir grains for one cup in special packaging that you can start to make and drink kefir, together with all information how to do it. It is easy to make it and benefits could be tremendous. Grains will slowly grow in the milk and you can add more and more milk to make and drink more kefir. After a while you can give some grains to your friends and relatives to help them to be happier and healthier…

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